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Literary Devices Videos 60 videos
CAHSEE ELA 8.1 Literary Devices. What effect is achieved by using a flashback?
CAHSEE ELA 8.2 Literary Devices. Which of the following is a characteristic of a soliloquy?
CAHSEE ELA 8.3 Literary Devices. What is the best way to describe a character foil?
CAHSEE 11.3 Passage Drill 165 Views
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CAHSEE 11.3 Passage Drill. Which of the following is the best way to express the meaning of the word complimentary in this sentence?
- 00:01
Larry and here's your shmoop du jour brought to you
- 00:04
by listening booze don't tell the secret inside one if
- 00:08
you don't want it to get around lap tonight we're
- 00:12
skimming second way in your store location really stink That's
- 00:24
right It wasn't open them and you get back in
Full Transcript
- 00:27
that way All right Read this excerpt from the selection
- 00:34
right here All music available and listening both is available
- 00:37
for immediate purchase with a complimentary mp three version sent
- 00:40
to the customers Email right there Which of the following
- 00:43
is the best way to express the meaning of the
- 00:45
word complimentary in this sentence And hear the angelus three
- 00:52
even if the definition of complimentary has been stolen from
- 00:54
our brains by what must be a burger with very
- 00:57
odd case Well we can still answer this question without
- 01:00
breaking a sweat Let's begin by eliminating option d everyone
- 01:04
it's muff doesn't have an mba from stanford but we're
- 01:06
pretty sure that making people go all the way to
- 01:09
the store to buy expensive mp three's is an awful
- 01:12
business model Even the guys that modern music and mayhem
- 01:14
no this would be flushing their store down the drain
- 01:17
So next we'll get rid of choice b the word
- 01:19
better just doesn't make sense in the context of the
- 01:22
sense what would make an mp three version better than
- 01:25
the one customers here in the listening booth Besides the
- 01:29
fact listeners wouldn't have tto hang out in the store
- 01:31
with overly friendly sales people here don't know that this
- 01:36
question has been smooth sailing so far but choi see
- 01:38
takes it into rough waters Complimentary can actually mean flattering
- 01:43
So this one might be tempting However the sentence doesn't
- 01:46
work if we substitute the word flattering for complimentary Check
- 01:50
it all music available in the listening boat is available
- 01:53
for immediate purchase with a flattering mp three version How
- 01:58
exactly with the mp three version Shin bi flattering would
- 02:02
it say nice things about us is we listen Oh
- 02:05
nice loads that well as much as we like compliments
- 02:08
This would probably mess up the song unless it's one
- 02:11
of sides songs then really anything is making better Oh
- 02:16
joyce is the best answer when a business gives something
- 02:19
complimentary to a customer that something is free like when
- 02:22
we stay in hotels and snag all the little shampoos
- 02:25
In case we run out of our usual shampoo and
- 02:26
have a big date or something yeah those air complimentary 00:02:30.078 --> [endTime] And hey it could happen point
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