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Brave New World Summary 106648 Views
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This video summarizes the plot of Brave New World from the point of view of John (you know, the “savage”). It covers the escapism, social casts, mechanization, and, of course, orgy-porgys of life in the year 2540. What happens when John enters this Brave New World of Bernard, Lenina, and the Director?
- 00:05
Brave New World, a la Shmoop. My name’s John, and I’ve always been a
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little… different. At first, it was my skin color. I grew up
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on a savage reservation and, well, when you’re white…
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…I guess they associate you with those guys who keep flying in to ogle them like zoo animals.
- 00:14
This is the year 2540. Most people live in a magical, fantastical future-land…
Full Transcript
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…where babies are born in factories, grow up in strict social castes…
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… and take happy drugs and have tons of sex so that they don’t have to think about
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how much their lives suck.
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I mean really, these people are a perfect anti-drug and sex campaign. They make pills
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and orgies look totally unappealing.
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I was supposed to be one of these future folk, but my mom got lost on a weekend getaway from
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civilized land.
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Then my useless dad left her there, and… well, it turns out she was pregnant with me.
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One day, my life changed completely.
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We get a visitor from the civilized world that’s not a total robot.
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His name’s Bernard, and he’s like me. A little… different.
- 00:54
Nobody likes me because I’m white, nobody likes him because he wants to actually fall
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in love. When Bernard finds me, he realizes that my
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mom’s story sounds awfully familiar.
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Turns out his jerk director lost his lady on a savage reservation years ago.
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So Bernard decided to bring his boss back a little souvenir….
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…in the shape of an abandoned son.
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- 01:18
See, I’m a huge no-no in civilized land because you’re not supposed to feel love
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and have sex and create your own little bundles of joy… like me.
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That would be savage. So now it’s happily ever after, right? My
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mom and I have been freed from the savage world, Bernard has been freed from his sucky
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boss… ….but hold up. Turns out it’s not all
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that easy in civilized-land.
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The whole bringing-down-the-big-boss incident makes Bernard so popular that he becomes a
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fame-hungry zombie… …Oh, and even in the civilized world they
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can’t get rid of girl trouble.
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See, I was in love with Bernard’s friend, Lenina...
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But she was very…forward.
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She really wanted to, uh…love me.
- 01:58
Right away.
- 01:59
Like, NOW. But while I could see how screwed up everything
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was, all the civilized folks were out in Happy-Loopy-Space-Ville drugged out on their escape mechanism of choice…
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Including my mom.
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And she kept not living her life… until she died.
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They don’t have families here. Nobody understood why I cared when she died. They were all sliding
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down rainbows or riding unicorns or something.
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And boy, they were not happy when I dumped their supply of magic drugs out the window.
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At this point I was getting pretty fed up with the civilized world.
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I ran away to live in an abandoned lighthouse where I could be a miserable hermit.
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My routine in the lighthouse went something like this:
- 02:38
Wake up. Don’t shower. Don’t eat breakfast. Violently flog yourself. Check to see if self-abuse
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has lessened burning desire for Lenina. Repeat as needed.
- 02:47
But man, these future-people will not leave a guy alone!
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It’s like, as soon as you decide to do things a little differently from the pack, you involuntarily
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sign on to be your own reality TV show…
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…like The Bachelor, only with more guilt and self-loathing.
- 02:51
When everyone started watching, they turned my flogging into exactly the opposite of what
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it was: sexy.
- 02:57
Lenina came by and I was so mad I started flogging her…
- 03:00
…and then they started flogging each other, one thing led to another aaaaand…
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…giant orgy. The next day when I woke up and remembered
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what had happened the night before, I couldn’t live with myself anymore.
- 03:13
The future isn’t always bright.
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