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Beowulf Summary 84108 Views
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Beowulf slew Grendel, his mother, and a dragon, and he still managed to stay humble. He told us once that he even got a big, shiny award for being so humble once.
- 00:00
Beowulf- a la shmoop you know him you love him
- 00:08
now put your hands together for the most epic hero the world has ever seen. we're [man in boxing ring]
- 00:13
talking about Beowulf. sorry sometimes I get carried away here.
- 00:17
but seriously I'm amazing all those Game of Thrones guys where do
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you think they learn their tricks. so yeah I'll toot my own horn toot toot
Full Transcript
- 00:26
and I'll toot it better than that hack Louis Armstrong .yeah well you know what [man blows on trumpet]
- 00:31
else I can do better than Louis? slay monsters. yeah well to be fair Louie has
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never tried that. but still. well King Hrothgar of the Danes knew who to call
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to deal with his little monster problem. well he was having a terrible time with
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this demon monster thing named Grendel. well Grendel was a real tough customer [monster pictured]
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this thing liked to rip people apart and eat them. definitely not the kind of guy
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you'd invite to a picnic. now unless you wanted to end up on the menu there. now
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froth gar and his fellow Danes knew anything about monster slaying well none [king reads a book]
- 01:03
of this would have been a big deal but they didn't. losers. lucky for them I
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Beowulf the greatest hero of all time showed up with a squad of my fellow
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gigot's. no I owed for Hrothgar favor because
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way back when he helped my pops out of a scrape. the next time Grendel came around
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I took him out. and I did it without any weapons. no sword no shield. nothin. I
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wrestled Grendel barehanded and ripped off his arm. why well because I knew it [man pulls off monster arm]
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it look way cool or in the inevitable movie version of my life. spoiler alert. I
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was right. so Grendel ran off into the woods bled out and died. let's hope he
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wasn't an endangered species or anything. to celebrate my victory we had a huge
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party in Heorot, Hrothgar's mead-hall we partied like it was 9. and you know [people drink beer]
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went until we passed out. and I turned off all my alarms. well nothing was
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standing between sleep and me. well nothing but Grendel's demon mom
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who showed up and attacked us during the night. well let me tell you something,
- 02:01
nothing wakes you up faster than a terrifying demon mom. seriously forget [man in front of several cups of coffee]
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coffee try demon mom. turns out she was little upset about me dismembering her
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baby boy. go figure. we managed to scare her off but we
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figured it was best to go ahead and nip this new problem in the bud so we
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tracked her to her secret lair which happened to be a cave under a lake. I'm
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guessing it was never featured in good cavekeeping. well once again was up to [monster in lair]
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old Beowulf to take care of the problem so I swam down to her moldy cave grabbed
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a sword from her pile of treasure and well kill her. no big deal even if her
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poisonous demon blood did melt the sword. and yeah I guess it's not good form [sword disappears]
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to kill someone in their home but you know you know manners not really my
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thing. after that well it was finally time to head home to Gatland where
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eventually I ended up being king, because have you been listening I'm awesome.
- 02:53
things were cool for 50 years until a thief woke up a local dragon by trying [man snatches cup]
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to steal a cup of coffee from the Dragon's Lair. dragons are major hoarders
- 03:02
and they don't take kindly to people taking their stuff. so the dragon did its
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dragon thing and burned down tons of villages. yeah hello Game of Thrones
- 03:09
theme everyone was like go kill the dragon you stud. so I took 11 of my best [woman talks to man with crown]
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guys and went to kill the thing. well turns out these guys weren't nearly as
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awesome as I thought. they saw the dragon and all but one ran away. come on guys
- 03:26
even Louie Armstrong I would have been more useful! well I ended up killing the
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dragon anyway but I was wounded in the process and that's how I Beowulf the [man falls down]
- 03:34
bestest handsomest funniest smartest and humblest guy to ever have live, died. yeah
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they built me a huge funeral mound full of treasure which was nice and to be
- 03:45
honest being killed slaying a literal dragon well that's a way to go. yeah that [man pictured with dragon]
- 03:50
works beat that Louie Armstrong.
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