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ASVAB Word Knowledge Videos 52 videos
ASVAB Word Knowledge 1.1 Vocab List. Which of the following words can replace engenders?
ASVAB Word Knowledge 1.2 Vocab List. Which word is closest in meaning to tangible?
ASVAB Word Knowledge: Word Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes Drill 1, Problem 2. Which of these words is closest in meaning to pliable?
ASVAB Word Knowledge 5.1 Vocab List 211 Views
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ASVAB Word Knowledge 5.1 Vocab List. The word nefarious most nearly means...what?
- 00:00
[ musical flourish ]
- 00:03
And here's your Shmoop du jour, brought to you by con artists.
- 00:06
That prince who emailed you about his money troubles?
- 00:09
Eh, probably not legit. Yeah.
- 00:11
King of Nairobi's nephew really doesn't want you to wire him money.
Full Transcript
- 00:14
All right, check out the following sentence.
- 00:16
The elderly often fall victim to con artists' nefarious schemes.
- 00:22
All right, the word nefarious most nearly means what?
- 00:24
And here are the potential answers. [ mumbles ]
- 00:28
[ meow ]
- 00:30
Aww, poor old people. I'm one of them.
- 00:33
When they aren't dealing with broken hips or young people,
- 00:35
[ old person voice ] "You whippersnappers, you."
- 00:37
or young people breaking their hips - Ow. Yeah. -
- 00:40
well, they're getting swindled by con artists.
- 00:42
So how might we describe such schemes?
- 00:45
Well, A - insatiable means we can't get satisfied.
- 00:49
[ hums ]
- 00:51
Rolling Stones song. Ask your parents. It was great.
- 00:54
It's the feeling we get after a hard workout
- 00:56
when we wanna eat everything.
- 00:58
But it's not a word we'd use for a con artist's scheme.
- 01:01
And B - arduous means difficult.
- 01:04
Now, a scheme can be difficult,
- 01:06
just look at any of the Ocean's Eleven movies.
- 01:08
But we're talking about crooks swindling the elderly,
- 01:11
not planning Vegas heists.
- 01:13
And D - fallow means uncultivated or unused,
- 01:17
like when you leave the ground fallow for a few years
- 01:19
to let it heal so you can plant more corn.
- 01:22
Clearly, the con artists are using schemes,
- 01:24
or they wouldn't be scheming. More like hypotheses.
- 01:27
Yeah. Instead, better words to describe the plot to steal
- 01:31
sweet Uncle Joe's retirement savings might be, uh,
- 01:34
and we're just spit-ballin' here... mean,
- 01:36
evil, dirty, wicked.
- 01:38
Oh, there we go. Wicked.
- 01:40
So C is the best answer.
- 01:42
Follow-up question: How do all these grandparents get
- 01:44
conned into buying nothing but butterscotch candies?
- 01:47
We've always wondered about that.
- 01:49
Where's the chocolate?
- 01:53
Rolling Stones song. Ask your parents. It was great.
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