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Accelerating Global Change and Realignments, c. 1900 to Present Videos 10 videos
AP World History 1.1 Accelerating Global Change and Realignments, c. 1900 to Present. The Treaty of Versailles placed blame for World War I on...wh...
AP World History 1.2 Accelerating Global Change and Realignments, c. 1900 to Present. Vladimir Lenin's right-hand man, who was instrumental in deve...
AP World History 1.3 Accelerating Global Change and Realignments, c. 1900 to Present. Mustafa Kemal is responsible for...what?
AP World History 1.3 Accelerating Global Change and Realignments, c. 1900 to Present 223 Views
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AP World History 1.3 Accelerating Global Change and Realignments, c. 1900 to Present. Mustafa Kemal is responsible for...what?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak and here's your shmoop douceur brought
- 00:05
to you by turkey the second most delicious sounding country
- 00:08
in the world All right here's your question Mustafa kemal
- 00:13
is responsible for what Creating israel creating the atomic bomb
- 00:17
creating a secular state of turkey or murdering franz ferdinand
Full Transcript
- 00:24
Well first things first It definitely wasn't a that credit
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goes to a man by the name of david ben
- 00:29
gurion Who's considered the primary founder of the state acted
- 00:33
as the first prime minister of israel and israel Honest
- 00:36
israel's founding father go on our books He looks a
- 00:40
bit more like israel's any uncle many that its founding
- 00:42
father is that what we're looking for either the father
- 00:46
of the atomic bomb sensing a theme here that was
- 00:50
j robert oppenheimer often heimer proved hindsight really is twenty
- 00:54
twenty after the bomb was developed he regretted it and
- 00:57
was out spoken in his fear that his creation could
- 01:00
harm the world So how we feel after serving a
- 01:03
bowl of bean chili to a room full of people
- 01:06
he also misses the mark Archduke franz ferdinand of austria
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and his wife sophie were shot dead by a nineteen
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year old carballo princip which eventually led to the start
- 01:16
of world war one So the next time your mom
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gets mad at you for forgetting to do your chores
- 01:21
just remind her that at least you didn't start the
- 01:23
first world war Wait leaves us with our answer see
- 01:27
The creation of turkey is a secular state The key
- 01:31
to a scene questions about kamal is to remember his
- 01:33
self appointed nickname auditor which translated teo you guessed it
- 01:38
father of the turks we're guessing these guys had some
- 01:41
daddy issues Jamal was the creator of the turkish secular
- 01:44
state and for good reason He served as the first
- 01:47
speaker of the parliament of turkey the first prime minister
- 01:50
of turkey and the first president of turkey First first
- 01:54
talk about overachieving Apparently he wanted to be the first
- 01:56
dark overlord of turkey as well but well everyone thought 00:01:59.864 --> [endTime] that sounded a bit creepy
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