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AP U.S. History Videos 167 videos
AP U.S. History 3.1 Period 2: 1607-1754. Which of the following contributed most directly to the process seen in the image?
AP U.S. History Period 1: 1491-1607 Drill 3, Problem 2. The cultivation of maize, depicted in the image, also played a significant role in which of...
AP U.S. History 3.2 Period 4: 1800-1848. The goals presented in the excerpt have the most in common with which of the following?
AP U.S. History 4.4 Period 1: 1491-1607 11 Views
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AP U.S. History 4.4 Period 1: 1491-1607. Which of the following would have contributed most directly to the population growth in Europe after 1650?
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Thank you We sneak and here's your shmoop du jour
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brought to you by baby booms events usually followed by
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a swift diaper change All right take a look at
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the chart right there And now for our question Which
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of the following what have contributed most directly that the
Full Transcript
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population growth in europe after sixteen fifty and hear your
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potential answers with the match dot com is not one
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of them All right well so for some reason europe
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suddenly became a baby making factory after sixteen fifty maybe
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there was a particularly successful seventeenth century tour by marvin
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gaye Or uh well maybe there was some other reason
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so let's start by taking a look at option a
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technology was steadily improving but it didn't directly affect population
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growth We'll have to wait for a literal baby making
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factory for that To be true we can also eliminate
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choice d trade with china brought lots of great things
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like porcelain noodles and cookies that predict your future While
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actually modern fortune cookies were invented by japanese american in
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san francisco around nineteen hundred qianjin beside the point is
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that nothing coming out of china back in the sixteen
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Fifties was boosting europe's baby crop option c isn't the
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worst guest we've ever seen the fact that europe was
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getting steadily wealthier by robbing the new world definitely didn't
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put a damper on the baby boom but most of
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that wealth wasn't exactly trickling down to the baby making
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mass is it's not like the king's everywhere were going
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around giving their subjects bags of gold and telling them
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tio you know get busy procreate that would be pretty
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creepy actually Anyway answer b is what we're looking for
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Whether it was the arrival of spuds to the emerald
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isle or that happy introduction of tomatoes to pasta in
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italian kitchens the new world introduced new foods to the
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old world Well sure it made life for europeans more
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delicious but it also offered enough new nutritional staples to
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spark a baby boom and by spark a baby boom
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We don't mean that all the babies exploded that wouldn't
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have grown the population very much at all What it
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Well that it also be a pretty grim way to
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end this video so there's a picture of a kitten 00:02:04.74 --> [endTime] better good true
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