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Score Analysis Videos 11 videos
AP Music Theory 3.5 Score Analysis. What kind of chord is shown above?
AP Music Theory 4.1 Score Analysis. Which of the following answers is an example of compound meter?
AP Music Theory 4.2 Score Analysis. What figured bass symbol best describes the above chord?
AP Music Theory 4.3 Score Analysis 3 Views
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AP Music Theory 4.3 Score Analysis. Identify the errors.
- 00:04
And here's your shmoop du jour brought to you by the viola and
- 00:07
cello the least popular flavor of jello ever created followed closely by the [Fork picking up a small cello]
- 00:12
strataberryus and piccolo...Alright plug in those headphones this questions based
- 00:19
on excerpts that will be played three times which is three times more than any
- 00:22
MIDI file should ever be played the score is printed correctly but in the
Full Transcript
- 00:27
version you'll hear there are errors either in pitch or rhythm our task [An audio tape spinning]
- 00:32
should we choose to accept it identify the error..Thank You Mr. Gray
- 00:58
All right all done listening great now for our question where is the error in
- 01:03
measure 5 and here your potential answers all right there right there....
- 01:08
so the rhythms in measure 5 are accurate yeah we've got two quarter notes there [Musical notes in measure 5]
- 01:13
and we all know two quarter notes makes a 50 cent no..It might not be right
- 01:17
anyway we see two quarter notes and we heard two quarter notes that means that
- 01:22
both answers A and B are wrong because the excerpt is right wait so two wrongs [A and B with red crosses through both]
- 01:27
make a right this is life-changing people. We need to reevaluate
- 01:30
everything we've been taught up till now all right now that we've reevaluated [Boy studying at home in his bed]
- 01:34
let's listen closely to the pitches in measure 5 hmm well everything is played
- 01:39
correctly in the second part so answer D is incorrect but something's amiss in
- 01:45
the first part of measure of 5 look at the F natural in the top voice of [Man using a magnifying glass to study a musical note]
- 01:49
measure 4, well in measure 5 we hear it go up a half step to become an f-sharp
- 01:53
but in our correct score we see that the note should be another F natural since
- 01:59
that's not what we're hearing we know the answer is C now if you'll excuse us
- 02:03
we have to go spend our 50 cent note on something nice we're pretty sure most [Man uses 50 cent note and hands it to girl cashier]
- 02:07
stores will accept it right?
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