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AP Music Theory Videos 20 videos
AP Music Theory 3.5 Score Analysis. What kind of chord is shown above?
AP Music Theory 4.1 Score Analysis. Which of the following answers is an example of compound meter?
AP Music Theory 1.1 Music Terminology, Terms & Symbols. Which of the following scales contains the notes shown above?
AP Music Theory 3.2 Score Analysis 229 Views
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AP Music Theory 3.2 Score Analysis. What notes would have sharps in the key of c sharp minor?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in and here's your smoke to
- 00:05
your brought to you by the minor keys You know
- 00:07
florida's lesser known island chain it's Kind of sad and
- 00:10
gloomy Actually we we don't recommend vacationing there Okay here's
- 00:14
our question What notes would have sharps in the key
Full Transcript
- 00:17
of c sharp minor And here a potential answers lots
- 00:20
of letters there Well remembering all the major and minor
- 00:22
key signatures is about his hardest Remembering which clever password
- 00:26
he used for your facebook account Was it beethoven nine
- 00:29
or dollars too Unless of course you possess the ancient
- 00:34
secret of the circle of fifth Well sounds like the
- 00:37
next in the movie you know we're basically indeed now
- 00:41
that we've established that clever idea let's chant the order
- 00:43
of sharps together shall we Funky chicken goes dancing Uh
- 00:49
we feel less like indie now but if we use
- 00:51
that chant funky chicken goes dancing We see that the
- 00:55
key of c sharp minor just like it's sonnier and
- 00:58
irritatingly chipper cousin e major has four sharps So right
- 01:02
away that rules out answers see indeed And we know
- 01:06
that we're in c sharp minor so we can get
- 01:08
rid of any of our answers that use flats That
- 01:10
means saying adios to be That leaves us just with
- 01:13
a the key of c sharp minor has four sharks
- 01:16
f c g and e you now about getting that
- 01:19
any any jones what we made Well well we should've 00:01:22.555 --> [endTime] seen that coming
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