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AP Music Theory Videos 12 videos
AP Music Theory 3.3 Score Analysis. Which of the following answers names the cadence that moves from IV to I?
AP Music Theory 3.5 Score Analysis. What kind of chord is shown above?
AP Music Theory 3.2 Score Analysis. What notes would have sharps in the key of c sharp minor?
AP Music Theory 3.1 Score Analysis 223 Views
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AP Music Theory 3.1 Score Analysis. Which of the following answers describes a musical section that occurs at the end of a piece of music?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in and here's your shmoop douceur
- 00:06
brought to you by the song that never ends seriously
- 00:09
Old composer dudes too long didn't read Alright okay here's
- 00:13
your question Which of the following answers describes a musical
- 00:15
section that occurs at the end of a piece of
Full Transcript
- 00:18
music and hear the pencil answers Barbra streisand your heart
- 00:22
out okay it only feels like some classical music pieces
- 00:26
are endless When composers finally do wrap it up they
- 00:29
usually do it with a flourish unless they're haydn That
- 00:32
guy loved his surprises so let's check out our choices
- 00:36
Sonata refers to a musical form not a section of
- 00:39
a piece that rules out answer a a lesion refers
- 00:43
to two connecting phrases of music without a break between
- 00:46
them Sounds like a great end to a song if
- 00:49
you're writing a song that never ends so forget answer
- 00:51
d and phrase extension literally does what it says it
- 00:55
extends a phrase so it literally can't be answered c
- 00:58
that leaves us with coda which as it happens is
- 01:02
a lovely italian word meaning tail as the three time
- 01:05
champion of shmoop ce annual pin the tail on the
- 01:07
donkey contest We can tell you with authority that the
- 01:10
tail is found at the end unless you're bob from
- 01:13
accounting than the tale is on the water cooler One
- 01:16
of these years bob Appropriately the final section of musical
- 01:19
piece is called the coda And if you ever see
- 01:21
bob put on a blindfold when we suggest you run 00:01:24.476 --> [endTime] Joe from h r is still fielding complaints
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