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AP English Literature: Understanding the Use of Baronet 2 Views
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The phrase "not even a baronet" (lines 133) is best understood as
- 00:00
No Okay Next up AP English lit people The phrase
- 00:08
not even a barren ET online thirty seven right There
- 00:12
is best understood as what All right Well let's think
- 00:23
about it The argument the speaker's been making starts to
- 00:26
unravel in this paragraph and well her sarcasm just starts
Full Transcript
- 00:30
to become more obvious It's absurd to say that Katherine's
- 00:34
ideal lover would have to be a Lord Baron et
- 00:37
you know a boy accidentally found at the door One
- 00:40
of unknown origins like that was bad in those days
- 00:43
or award of her father all storylines taken from novels
- 00:47
not even a barren ET suggests that a titled aristocrats
- 00:51
still wouldn't be good enough for a heroine Catherine So
- 00:55
the answer here it's d a sarcastic comment on heroism
- 00:59
Yeah alright loser bowl Well instead of supporting the idea
- 01:02
of royal breeding here that it's like a good thing
- 01:05
the author is mocking it So get rid of egg
- 01:08
in her sarcasm The author indicates that a baronet would
- 01:10
barely be even good enough because gatherings too highfalutin So
- 01:14
get rid of be well and then the line isn't
- 01:16
meant metaphorically And if it were well it would be
- 01:19
unclear what the Baron et represents So yeah you could
- 01:23
just like get rid of sea social atmosphere Where that
- 01:25
come from The author never reveals Ah weather non shes
- 01:28
nobility from her flippant tone However it's unlikely that she
- 01:32
is So get rid of Ian The right answer Here
- 01:34
is d A sarcastic comment on heroism Yeah D as 00:01:40.1 --> [endTime] in Dist
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