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AP English Literature Videos 112 videos
According to the information presented in the first and second paragraph (lines 1-26), it can be reasonably inferred that the kingdom of the Luggna...
In line 27, the adjective "inexpressible" is used
The main idea of the second paragraph (lines 24-33) can best be restated that
AP English Literature: Comprehending Bohemian New York 15 Views
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It can be reasonably inferred that, to Amory, "Bohemian New York" (line 54) represents
- 00:00
No Okay Next up for AP English here questions It
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can be reasonably inferred that two Amory Bohemian New York
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represents what and that comes from Line fifty fourth Let's
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go cruise up there to Florence there I doubt it
- 00:19
He interpreted well It all smells of bohemian New York
Full Transcript
- 00:22
to me I know what you mean And that's why
- 00:24
I'm not sure alleged ate Well you're one man Burns
- 00:26
They are kind of no All right so well let's
- 00:34
see Let's think about this If it all smells of
- 00:36
voting in New York to Amory well that means it
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encapsulates all his feelings about Burns stance spoiler alert They
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aren't great feelings G shocker there right when he hears
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Burns a pacifist while his heart sinks See right there
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says so And he tries to convince Burne that his
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viewpoint is naive and that the other pacifists are secretly
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German sympathizers Germ Simpson that's what they call them So
- 01:03
yeah the answer here is D It's an attitude of
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naive today That's pretty much what he's doing So Loser
- 01:08
bowl here Well just judging by context Bohemian New York
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isn't a good thing So get rid of a Emery's
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interrupted a few lines before but he's on his way
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to saying that Burn will be thrown in with the
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worst Because Bohemian New York represents Burns view not memories
- 01:24
You know it's definitely not a center of American patriotism
- 01:27
Get rid of B And he said earlier that no
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one would martyr burn for being a pacifist So get
- 01:33
rid of CNN Finally the passage says nothing about Bohemian
- 01:37
New York potential for possibility yeah like where that come
- 01:40
from Get ready answers D An attitude of naive
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