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AP English Literature and Composition 1.2 Passage Drill 4. As which of the following is the object being personified?
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AP English Language and Composition 9.3 Passage Drill 7 Views
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AP English Language and Composition 9.3 Passage Drill. What is "reason" associated with in the following phrase?
- 00:04
And here's your shmoop du jour brought to you by writers who
- 00:07
prove that the pen is mightier than the sword and much easier to write with..... [Man scribbling with a pen and a man holding a sword appears]
- 00:14
All right take a look at the following passage if you haven't already, just
- 00:17
skim it, skim it fast, skim it long, skim it wide, skim it deep and just skim it
- 00:27
alright we're done in the phrase reason respects the differences and imagination
Full Transcript
- 00:33
the similitudes of things reason is associated with what and here are
- 00:39
potential answers.... all right does the authors use of the word reason refer to
- 00:46
synthesis well synthesis makes an appearance in the piece but not in [Synthesis circled in a piece of text]
- 00:50
connection to reason the author tells us that this word which translates to
- 00:54
making or imagination is the principle of synthesis if synthesis is related to [Person creating pottery]
- 01:00
making rather than reasoning well we can just get A out of our lives how about
- 01:05
integration well again the author associates this concept with the
- 01:08
principle of imagination not hard to see why just use your you know what's that [Girl imagining herself as a warrior]
- 01:13
word..... if the integration requires imagination
- 01:17
then refutation of this interpretation will provide us justification for our
- 01:22
vindication, ahem... All right well does harmony answer our question harmony
- 01:29
maybe what happens when ebony and ivory get along together but harmony is also
- 01:33
connected to imagination in the text now we have two more answers we can rule out
- 01:38
well if we look at option E once more the writer has connected the word agent [Agent circled in red in a paragraph]
- 01:44
to imagination while agencies may be good places to find jobs, they're not good
- 01:50
as the answer to this question so get rid of E...We've easily eliminated all
- 01:54
the options now and we're just left would B this one required us to read
- 01:58
closely but if we look at line 11 the author states that reasoning is the [Reasoning circled in red in a piece of text]
- 02:04
principle of analysis huh well we're going with B what's not depressing is
- 02:09
getting the right answer our inner writers are oh so proud [Two men stood in a room with a piece of paper]
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