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AP English Language and Composition Videos 152 videos
Which answer best describes the theme of the following passage? And if you say "fission chips," we'll give you half credit. The AP test graders mig...
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AP English Language and Composition 10.8 Passage Drill 1 Views
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AP English Language and Composition 10.8 Passage Drill. Based on the passage, what's the key mechanism that will bring about a new land ethic?
- 00:04
Here's your shmoop du jour brought to you by social judgment it's
- 00:08
how we know mullets aren't cool yeah alright check out passage there we go [Man points to man with a mullet]
- 00:25
alright we're done what's the key mechanism that'll bring about a new land
- 00:30
ethic and here are the potential answers
- 00:37
right well it's important to distinguish between cause and effect a pool cue
Full Transcript
- 00:42
causes balls to scatter much like Adam Sandler causes audience to scatter at [Man strikes pool cue at balls]
- 00:47
least these days many of these answers are effects caused by someone else check
- 00:52
paragraph nine right there a mechanism operation Miller our approbation means
- 00:59
praise like approval as in no critics gave approbation to the movies a [Critic sitting in a chair]
- 01:05
waterboy I thought that was kind of funny basically the author saying the
- 01:09
social pressure fueled by a good ol sense of right and wrong will drive a
- 01:12
new land ethic this in turn drives the other stuff people will start using land
- 01:17
better maybe build fewer parking lots or something like that the economy might [Man in a park with a digger]
- 01:23
improve because we're not spending all our money driving to store's parking in
- 01:27
parking lots and just ordering everything through Amazon effective laws
- 01:31
will be passed and attitudes might change maybe even at the parking lot [Construction worker with blue print]
- 01:35
authority but well no that's probably not likely but this is all driven by the
- 01:39
cheers and jeers of the public which has a common conscience which knows that
- 01:43
ethical land use is good cash grab movies about 80s pop culture are bad and
- 01:49
ethical land use is an ever advancing frontier so b is the correct answer next
- 01:54
up in our discussion of social judgment will discuss the blistering condemnation
- 01:58
of Kim Kardashian [Man stood beside Kim Kardashian]
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