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AP Computer Science Videos 112 videos
AP Computer Science 1.2 GridWorld Case Study and APIs. What is the direction of the actor?
AP Computer Science 1.4 Standard Algorithms. How many times will mystery be called for mystery(n) for n > 1?
AP Computer Science 2.3 Classes and Objects. Which of the following is correct implementation of the Country class?
AP Computer Science 3.3 Classes and Objects 179 Views
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AP Computer Science 3.3 Classes and Objects. Which of the following is a correct implementation of the print() method?
- 00:00
Lory and here's your smoke du jour reminding you that
- 00:04
the best data type for a canoe is lote all
- 00:08
right put up with in the following is a correct
- 00:11
implementation of the print method All right string song is
- 00:15
in our name and here your potential answers what three
Full Transcript
- 00:23
you don't okay let's get to it Which of these
- 00:27
is the best implementation of the paddling song classes Print
- 00:32
method Well the main idea behind the current method seems
- 00:36
to be print paddling songs song name song artist and
- 00:40
paddler name to the console We can start out by
- 00:43
getting rid of option c and e without thinking twice
- 00:45
they're being declared as private methods Well a method you
- 00:49
can't call would be like a cake You can't eat
- 00:51
a dog you can't pet or monster truck can't both
- 00:54
fear and admire option a public method nice but it's
- 00:58
calling the classes access her methods to grab the data
- 01:02
inside the variables that's unnecessary since the print method already
- 01:06
lives inside the paddling song class option b does the
- 01:09
same thing but just looks a little different because it's
- 01:12
printing each data point on its own line with three
- 01:14
separate print line statements instead of the new line escape
- 01:17
sequence is being used in option a Well don't listen
- 01:20
to be it's Just trying to confuse us Option d
- 01:22
does everything by the book a public class with a
- 01:25
print statement that summons the proper data members and even
- 01:29
what's each one on its own line Yeah not that 00:01:32.335 --> [endTime] it off options
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