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Computer Science Videos 112 videos
Just as you move your furniture into a new house before spending the night, you’ve got to spend a little time setting up your environment when yo...
Doubles and ints. At first glance, it may look like this video will be about baseball and football statistics. But they're actually computer scienc...
AP Computer Science: Classes and Objects Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following is a correct {/* Implementation */} for the isInsect method?
AP Computer Science 2.4 Program Development 5 Views
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Get ready to work with classes in Java. Don't worry. We've thrown some penguins in there to spice things up.
- 00:04
Here's your shmoop du jour brought to you by nervous penguins [Penguins on a block of ice]
- 00:07
waddle they do in times of trouble all right you've been assigned to a project
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in which you'll be writing a collection of classes in Java in order to model the
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various species of penguins in the world today super classes penguin with a
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hierarchy of subclasses organized by genus and species your class hierarchy
Full Transcript
- 00:23
will be used to model penguins in zoos and wildlife preserves all over the [People photographing a penguin in a dress]
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world the superclass penguin is declared as the following a subclass is to be
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implemented for emperor penguins and a new data member will be added for the
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age of the emperor penguin the emperor subclasses implemented as follows
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alright well the print method for the Emperor subclasses intended to print the
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same name information as the superclass print function and then print a
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similarly labeled line for the age of the emperor penguin and return a new
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line on the console for example.. For a 7 year old emperor penguin named Jane Fonda the [Jane Fonda penguin appears]
- 01:00
method should display the following on the console right there with the cursor
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placed on a new line afterward which is a correct implementation for the
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subclass print method and here are your potential answers.... alright well the
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problem asked us to print the same info as the superclass penguin instead of [Photo of emperor penguin prints out]
- 01:22
rewriting an entire print function we can just use the keyword super to call
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the super classes print function...Know this and we can eliminate all the potential
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answers except for E... just to make sure this is our answer well let's check if
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the rest of its correct the second line uses a print line to print out the word
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age and the Emperor's age along with this the code moves the cursor to a new
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line and yeah this is exactly what the question asked for so it looks like E [Penguins chase a cat]
- 01:48
is our answer next time we'll take a look at the penguin foot massage parlor [Penguins entering foot massage parlor]
- 01:53
happy feet
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