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Essential Life Process Information Videos 11 videos
AP Biology: Essential Life Process Information Drill 1, Problem 1. If one parent is heterozygous for the sickle cell trait while the other par...
AP Biology 1.5 Essential Life Process Information. Which of the following mutations may not cause a frameshift?
AP Biology 1.3 Essential Life Process Information. Which is an inheritable unit that encodes a trait?
AP Biology 1.3 Essential Life Process Information 30 Views
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AP Biology 1.3 Essential Life Process Information. Which is an inheritable unit that encodes a trait?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak and here's your shmoop du jour
- 00:05
Brought to you by genes What an eclectic bunch This
- 00:09
is an inheritable unit that encodes a trait And here
- 00:13
the potential answers are what is this being a tight
- 00:15
jeans have come from a fina type is an expression
Full Transcript
- 00:18
of an organism's gino type for example having genes that
- 00:21
allow you to roll your tongue pretty impressive there gene
- 00:25
simmons's of kiss it's What is in coded but is
- 00:28
not the encoder so not the right answer Gino type
- 00:32
is a sequence of genes and therefore a combination of
- 00:35
units not individual units themselves which means that it doesn't
- 00:38
quite fit the bill Here Chromosomes contain the units of
- 00:41
dna that determine traits But they're not the actual inheritable
- 00:45
unit that encodes a trait essential for life Yes even
- 00:49
gene simmons life but not essential for answering this question
- 00:52
correctly So if you were to see that leaves us
- 00:54
just with de gene gene simmons of kisses an inheritable
- 00:58
unit that encodes a trait saying we keep confusing our
- 01:02
genes well genes the kind that don't rock are inheritable
- 01:06
units of dna found on chromosomes and there the answer
- 01:09
We're looking for so why don't you know That is 00:01:11.455 --> [endTime] a good looking pair of jeans
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