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American Literature: End of the Line 8315 Views
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- 00:01
No end of the line No Don't step on me
- 00:24
Not again Oh you're just a student Thank the lord
- 00:28
I thought you were a winemaker ready to stop me
- 00:31
I'm known as the wrathful grape don't know why i'm
- 00:34
pretty chill but i hate it when people call me
Full Transcript
- 00:37
angry Whoops Sorry Maybe they call me that because i'm
- 00:41
an expert on John steinbeck's 19:39 novel The grapes of
- 00:45
wrath Yeah yeah Yuck it up Today i'll be focusing
- 00:48
on the ending of the grapes of wrath Fair warning
- 00:51
This thing is dense maybe even denser than a triple
- 00:54
layer brownie sundae Yeah so buckle in shmoop rooney's Because
- 00:58
it's time to finish this journey once and for all
- 01:01
Before we can get into things let's quickly refresh ourselves
- 01:04
on the ending If you remember correctly tom's on the
- 01:07
run from the law after killing the policeman that murdered
- 01:10
jim casey This forces the joad family to leave the
- 01:13
relative comfort of the peach farm and seek out work
- 01:16
elsewhere They hide tom in a cave for a while
- 01:19
giving him food when they can Nice case the local
- 01:22
soon catch wind of this fugitive situation however forcing the
- 01:25
jobs to say goodbye to tom the family ends up
- 01:28
picking cotton at a plantation and living in an old
- 01:30
abandoned boxcar It's Pretty nice ous faras old abandoned box
- 01:34
cars go now Remember rose of sharon is pregnant and
- 01:38
her husband connie bailed out A few towns backs well
- 01:41
rose starts giving birth at the same time that a
- 01:44
huge rainstorm lets loose over the boxcar Sadly rose's baby
- 01:49
is stillborn it's devastating news Meanwhile the water keeps rising
- 01:53
Joe's try a variety of tricks to keep the water
- 01:56
from flooding their box car but they ultimately prove on
- 01:59
success Eventually the flooding gets so bad that jobs are
- 02:02
forced to leave their makeshift home Yeah it's hard to
- 02:05
say goodbye So off they go in search of some
- 02:07
place dry They come across a barn which is perfect
- 02:10
for their purposes Inside they find a boy and his
- 02:12
father The father is in rough shape because he's been
- 02:15
given all of his food to his son instead of
- 02:17
eating it himself That's When something unexpected happened rose asks
- 02:22
everyone to leave the bar and lets the man drink
- 02:24
her breast milk which is being produced because of the
- 02:27
pregnancy The scene has left More or less open ended
- 02:30
We don't know what happens to the man or the
- 02:32
joad family or poor young tom This is what we
- 02:35
in the biz call an ambiguous ending folks So what
- 02:39
can we learn from this open ended final scene First
- 02:41
remember that the grapes of wrath is a realist novel
- 02:44
which means that it's supposed to depict life as it
- 02:46
is rather than as we'd like it to be After
- 02:49
all ria life rarely works out like it does in
- 02:51
the movies In fact it never does Sometimes things go
- 02:55
well sometimes they go bad but never do they just
- 02:57
up and stop in that way it's fitting that the
- 03:00
grapes of wrath doesn't end with some perfect resolution because
- 03:03
that's what life's like now that that's out of the
- 03:06
way let's start analyzing first the elephant in the room
- 03:09
The novel ends with rose breast feeding an adult man
- 03:12
It's certainly a striking visual and not one we're going
- 03:15
to depict here for What does it mean Well for
- 03:17
rose there's Probably something comforting about it despite the weirdness
- 03:21
of the situation After all she just lost her child
- 03:24
And that child is the reason she's able to breastfeed
- 03:27
But now despite the trudge guests and because of it
- 03:30
she has the opportunity to save a life it's a
- 03:33
powerful gesture one that mirror's other sacrifices made by characters
- 03:37
in the novel like when the jobs help out the
- 03:39
wilsons or when casey helps organize striking workers or when
- 03:42
tom let's rose have his last piece of halloween candy
- 03:45
Or did we imagine that one Either way rose of
- 03:49
sharon shows us the ultimate example of sacrifice by feeding
- 03:52
the starving man at the end of the novel Even
- 03:54
if the man ends up kicking the bucket It's still
- 03:57
mighty meaningful that rose of sharon tried to help him
- 04:00
To better understand this it might be useful to take
- 04:02
a look at the symbols we've encountered along the way
- 04:05
The most ever present symbol and the grapes of wrath
- 04:07
is the road roads It turns out our heavy symbolic
- 04:11
implications in fiction whether you're talking about on the road
- 04:14
or the road In this case our road de jour
- 04:17
is route sixty six which cut straight across the united
- 04:21
states Route sixty six is a notable symbol in american
- 04:24
society on its own it's inspired everything from songs to
- 04:28
movies in the grapes of wrath route sixty six is
- 04:30
a lifeline for the jobs and the other families like
- 04:33
them escaping the dust bowl Route sixty six is even
- 04:36
described as the mother road the road of flight it's
- 04:39
also significant that route sixty six never really intersects with
- 04:42
other major roads It goes in two directions on lee
- 04:45
on route sixty six you can either keep moving forward
- 04:48
in search of opportunity or you could turn around and
- 04:50
head back to the place you've always known which doesn't
- 04:53
happen to be an option for the jobs The novel
- 04:55
also features more insects than you could shake a fly
- 04:58
swatter at In our lesson on the desk paul we
- 05:00
talked about how it caused a horde of insects to
- 05:02
bear down on the midwest These buggers literally block the
- 05:06
sun from shining theories which makes us think about the
- 05:09
book of exodus in the bible in which god via
- 05:12
moses unload a load of course is upon egypt one
- 05:15
of which is a plague of locusts thiss suggests that
- 05:18
the dust bowl was so terrifying that it felt like
- 05:21
a curse from god on the other hand one of
- 05:24
the early chapters features tom crushing the hard skull like
- 05:27
head of a grass hopper So maybe these insect lloyd's
- 05:30
aren't so tough after all Well now that you have
- 05:33
a diagnosable case of the heebie jeebies it's time to
- 05:35
turn to a much less creepy symbol music These were
- 05:38
the days before spotify and itunes If you wanted music
- 05:41
there weren't many places to get it You need a
- 05:43
banjo or harmonica or a car huh Weird as it
- 05:47
sounds the credit used car that jodi's drive makes all
- 05:51
sorts of crazy noises So many noises in fact that
- 05:54
it starts to sound like music Check out this bit
- 05:57
for example Deep stuff on another weird note Tom joad
- 06:08
here's More music in prison than he does anywhere else
- 06:12
It's hard to pinpoint what exactly Steinbeck's trying to get
- 06:15
across with all this music imagery But all we know
- 06:18
is that it's totally ominous Next on the list are
- 06:21
animals of many shapes and sizes We have the poor
- 06:24
hapless turtle who tom rescues as if trying to cross
- 06:27
the road That moment makes us think of the jobs
- 06:30
own determination in the face of adversity There's a similar
- 06:33
thing going down with the jobs former house who in
- 06:36
the time since the family was forced out of the
- 06:38
home has become legit Barrel me out like they're family
- 06:42
feline The jobs have been forced out of the comfort
- 06:45
of civilization and forced to take a walk on the
- 06:48
wild side Then of course there's the family dog The
- 06:52
poor guy is hit by a car early on in
- 06:54
the trip while the family is pumping gas This is
- 06:57
a sad hint of the struggles still to come for
- 06:59
the job And now it's color time y'all three colors
- 07:03
to be specific red gray and yellow we watched the
- 07:08
yellowing dusty Afternoon light fall across the oklahoma countryside Elsewhere
- 07:13
the book describes the country as both red and gray
- 07:16
which makes us think of the blood sweat and tears
- 07:18
that have been poured into okey country by local farmers
- 07:22
Speaking up farming is a big symbol in and of
- 07:25
itself it's Pretty miraculous When you stop and think about
- 07:27
it you stick a little pebble in the ground and
- 07:30
then a couple of months later you got like an
- 07:31
avocado or something Well the grapes of wrath takes place
- 07:35
during the transition between the traditional old school methods of
- 07:38
farming and the modern machine driven marketplace This is obviously
- 07:42
horrendous for the farmers whose livelihoods are being destroyed by
- 07:46
buckets of brainless bolts Next up blood Don't worry no
- 07:50
vampires here Some okie farmers believe that rich landowners who
- 07:54
plant cotton in the state are second the blood out
- 07:56
of the land that is red blood Of course call
- 07:59
back This makes blood represent vitality and life to things
- 08:03
that are in short supply round these parts Of course
- 08:05
there's also plenty of literal blood in the novel After
- 08:08
all the novel's title is taken from the battle hymn
- 08:11
of the republic where it's used as a direct reference
- 08:13
to blood and asked line blood they look the same
- 08:16
Still it doesn't take a phd to deduce that this
- 08:18
sort of blood represents death pain and all that awful
- 08:21
nastiness Last and certainly not least is the west broad
- 08:26
topic home in american society The west has always represented
- 08:29
freedom and new opportunities There's lewis and clark the gold
- 08:33
rush and it lets throw to park in there for
- 08:35
good measure He's a quality california anyway grapes complicates this
- 08:39
by showing us the misery and desperation that phil california's
- 08:42
fertile hills So check out this quote on ly the
- 08:46
unbalanced sky showed the approach of dog no horizon to
- 08:49
the west and aligned to the east This both hints
- 08:52
at the sense of freedom and unknown associate it with
- 08:55
the west and gives us a sense that this feeling
- 08:57
might be uneasy on some level And now friends were
- 09:00
left with the biggest question of all What in the
- 09:03
name of steinbeck does this all mean Well the symbols
- 09:06
we've studied helped emphasize many of the themes found in
- 09:08
the novels ending After all many of those symbols reflect
- 09:11
the hardships And adversities faced by the jobs So does
- 09:14
the ending which is a double edged sword in that
- 09:16
regard On one hand it's just another hardship The joes
- 09:19
are once again forced from a place of comfort and
- 09:21
into the wild unknown but it's also uplifting because despite
- 09:25
the fact that rosa sharon just lost her child she's
- 09:28
choosing to take that tragedy which in this case is
- 09:30
represented by a breast milk strangers have been sound and
- 09:33
use it to save someone else who's experiencing hardship as
- 09:36
well Ultimately this bittersweet feeling defines the ending of the
- 09:40
grapes of wrath it's like a sour grape there is
- 09:42
pain and suffering Yeah but amid that pain and suffering
- 09:46
is humanity and has a great i can say that
- 09:49
you humans could be a lot better people than you
- 09:51
think especially when the going gets tough But like all
- 09:53
great travelogues the grapes of wrath is about the journey
- 09:56
not the destination After all there is no destination The
- 10:00
jobs never reached their promised land at least not yet
- 10:03
And me Well i'm pretty content where i'm at so
- 10:06
long as no one makers move into the neighborhood i
- 10:09
think i'll be a okay but let me tell you
- 10:12
something But you ever try to smush me my friends
- 10:15
and my family Then we will find out first hand 00:10:18.842 --> [endTime] why they call me the great
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