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ACT Science Videos 67 videos
ACT Science: Data Representation Passage Drill 1, Problem 2. Which of the following is a variable in Figure 1, but not in Figure 2?
ACT Science: Research Summary Passage Drill 2, Problem 1. Why do you think that the filter paper will not remove the salt from the water?
ACT Science: Conflicting Viewpoint Passage Drill 1, Problem 1. What statement would both scientists agree upon?
ACT Science 1.5 Research Summary Passage 172 Views
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- 00:00
No Oh and here's your shmoop du jour brought to
- 00:05
you by the honeybee dance floor The clientele stinks But
- 00:08
at least you know where the food is Well here's
- 00:11
a passage about an experiment performed on their communication of
- 00:13
honeybees Better read it it's buzz worthy Art In our
Full Transcript
- 00:21
test question honeybees used the waggle dance too Right here
- 00:24
the potential answers That sounds quite a bit like the
- 00:31
same question scientists had In fact it says right there
- 00:34
in the passage scientists conducted an experiment to determine how
- 00:38
bees used the waggle dance So what did they find
- 00:41
out our bees using the waggle dance to option d
- 00:44
impress other bees Well sure some species of animal dance
- 00:47
a bit to impress others think backto uncle running at
- 00:50
the new year's eve party But according to scientists that's
- 00:53
not the point of the waggle dance Sorry rani option
- 00:55
c as a type of mating ritual Again no ronnie
- 00:59
come on option b to have some fun dancing might
- 01:02
be fun but that's not what the scientists found so
- 01:05
it's not be ronnie Do you need a ride home
- 01:08
All right well that just leaves option a communicating where
- 01:11
and how much food is present Bingo it's option a
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