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Grammar and Usage Videos 37 videos
ACT English: Grammar and Usage Drill 1, Problem 1. What should replace the underlined word?
ACT English: Grammar and Usage Drill 1, Problem 2. Does the underlined word match the subject and tense?
ACT English: Grammar and Usage Drill 1, Problem 3. Which answer best matches the subject of the sentence?
ACT English 4.4 Grammar and Usage 394 Views
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ACT English: Grammar and Usage Drill 4, Problem 4. What's the correct pronoun for the underlined portion of this sentence?
- 00:04
Here's your Shmoop du jour, brought to you by flu symptoms. So you might want to get
- 00:08
that shot you've been putting off before you proceed.
- 00:11
How would you correct the following sentence, if it needs correcting at all?
- 00:14
Has it occurred to you that it might be better if one had stayed at home because of your flu symptoms?
- 00:24
Pronouns require consistency. Yeah, they're definitely not the adventurous type.
Full Transcript
- 00:27
This means that the pronouns in a sentence should take the same form if they all refer
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to the same subject.
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So, since this sentence begins with "you," the correct answer has to have a "you" as
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- 00:39
The original sentence tries to slip a "one" in there on us instead, so we know that answer (A) is wrong.
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Choice (B) tries to pull the same trick, but we're on to it now, making (B) easy to eliminate.
- 00:48
Come on, guys, you're going to have to do better than that.
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(C) and (D) obviously both value consistency, because they each use "you."
- 00:56
To eliminate one of these choices, we're going to have to inspect their tenses.
- 00:58
Careful now. We don't want another lawsuit. Since the sentence is in the past tense, the
- 01:01
correct answer has to be in past tense as well.
- 01:04
Consistency. Remember? Of the two remaining choices, choice (C) is the only one in the
- 01:08
past tense, making it the correct answer.
- 01:10
Not bad advice to stay home when you're not feeling too hot.
- 01:12
It isn't a crime to use a sick day when you're actually sick.
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