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ACT English: Style Drill 1, Problem 1. Does the underlined portion match the style?
ACT English: Style Drill 1, Problem 2. Which of the choices best matches the tone of the passage?
ACT English: Style Drill 1, Problem 3. Which choice best matches the formality of the sentence?
ACT English 1.5 Style 297 Views
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ACT English: Style Drill 1, Problem 5. Which choice best matches the style of the passage?
- 00:04
Here's your Shmoop du jour, brought to you by elevated language. Oxygen masks may be
- 00:09
- 00:10
How would you correct the underlined portion below, if at all?
- 00:13
As one of the greatest leaders of the twentieth century, Winston Churchill uplifted Great
- 00:18
Britain—and the world—with his fantastic speeches.
Full Transcript
- 00:29
This sentence is about as elevated as it gets.
- 00:31
Both the topic...history...and the elevated language...uplifted...signal that the underlined
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portion needs to be as highfalutin as possible.
- 00:41
Knowing this allows us to eliminate (A) pretty easily.
- 00:44
"Fantastic" is the kind of adjective that an elementary teacher scribbles on a test
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beside a smiley face, not the sort of word we use to describe one of the greatest orators
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- 00:54
Choice (B) doesn't make the cut either.
- 00:57
Even if we didn't know the meaning of "repartee"—which means to joke or banter with someone—"witty"
- 01:02
doesn't quite seem like it can uplift a nation.
- 01:05
(D) is suitably elevated, but the word "uplifting" is used elsewhere in the sentence.
- 01:10
This redundancy downgrades (D)'s smarty-pants rating and takes it out of the running.
- 01:12
Which leaves us with choice (C), the correct answer. The word "oration" is a fancy
- 01:17
word for fancy speeches given on fancy occasions.
- 01:28
Fancy that...
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