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Conventions of Standard English Videos 35 videos
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ACT Aspire English: Does The Sentence Need a Question Mark? (This One Does) 0 Views
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what it is about these shows that makes people tune in?
- 00:03
Start s Spyros were on one of twelve here just
- 00:07
starting in a new section on survival instincts on tv
- 00:12
question What is it about these shows that makes people
- 00:16
tune in It's in the first paragraph there Let's read
- 00:20
down to it Recently there has been a rise in
Full Transcript
- 00:22
popularity of reality tv shows that test people's survival skills
- 00:27
This trend has led some to question what it is
- 00:30
about the shows that makes people tune in All right
- 00:35
well that's kind of odd odd phrasing there What do
- 00:38
you think Well just because the sentence says question doesn't
- 00:43
mean that we need a question mark right It's really
- 00:46
just a statement about what people question Nobody's actually asking
- 00:51
a question so we can get rid of the question
- 00:53
mark there We know that'll be wrong The sentence doesn't
- 00:56
need any quotation marks or a question mark at all
- 00:59
right So the answer is b And by the way
- 01:01
this is what a real question mark would look like
- 01:03
Billy asked What is it about these shows that makes
- 01:08
people tuned in Right Then a question mark makes sense
- 01:11
Otherwise well it doesn't So just be same things Get
- 01:14
out of the question mark put a period on it 00:01:16.197 --> [endTime] and we're done That's it
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