Women and Femininity Quotes in Year of Wonders

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"We do not even know the name of the wise woman who first laid out these beds, but the garden thrived here long before we came to tend it, and it will go on long after we depart." (2.3.11)

Anys portrays herself as part of a long line of herb-loving medicine women. We're not sure how literally we're supposed to take this idea, but it certainly provides a powerful symbol of her rejection of gender roles. Anys and Mem both defy their society's expectations for them, and as a result, they have formed a very different type of community outside its walls.

Quote #5

"For I see that you've changed somewhat since Sam Frith passed. I think you like to go and come without a man's say-so." (2.3.21)

Anna is more of a feminist than she lets on. She's intelligent. She's independent. She's brave. As it happens, her society doesn't think that women should be any of these things. Our girl will have to confront that fact sooner or later.

Quote #6

"Why would I marry? [...] I have something very few women can claim: my freedom." (2.3.24)

In another example of her forward-thinking ways, Anys sees marriage as a property arrangement that benefits men yet subjugates women. How does that benefit her? Well, if you ask her, it doesn't.