Year of Wonders Chapter 12 Quotes

Year of Wonders Chapter 12 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 7

Whole houses stood empty; entire families gone from us and names that had been known here for centuries gone with them. (2.12.31)

Pretty heavy, right? The city of Eyam isn't seeing just a massive number of deaths; it's also seeing a complete upheaval of its sense of identity. Its history is literally being erased. For better or for worse, the village will never be the same again.

"On your knees, sinner!" He took a step towards us, a looming black figure. (2.12.53)

Mompellion seems like a swell dude for most of the novel, but he tends to flip out whenever he catches wind of sexy times. As we'll see, there's a fascinating reason for this.

Quote 9

[It] shocks me [...] that people here are so desperate [...] that they [...] pay their last mite for these worthless amulets. (2.12.9)

As the plague worsens, the villagers turn to superstition and witchcraft in a desperate attempt to save themselves. People will believe in any crazy thing when they're hopeless. Regardless, Mompellion is horrified to discover that his flock is turning away from God.