Writing My Wrongs: Life, Death, and Redemption in an American Prison Resources


Shaka's Official Site

Shaka's thoughts on lots of things.

Shaka's MIT Media Lab Page

Here's Shaka's cool looking homepage at the MIT Media Lab, where he was a Director's Fellow.

Movie or TV Productions

Credit Where Credit's Due

Shaka had a few credits on IMDB.

Three Minutes of Fame

Shaka's own home page has a mini-documentary about him…and it's excellent.

Articles and Interviews

It's Time for Tech to Embrace Prison Reform

A quick read where a writer (a standup comedian who worked for The Onion and The Daily Show, just to make everything cooler) shares Shaka's ideas on getting out of prison and tech.


Shaka's TED Talk

Shaka gives an awesome talk that pulls together a lot of the themes of Writing My Wrongs. (It's a TED Talk so you know it's gonna be good.)

Shaka on Oprah

One of the best conversations of Oprah's whole life, according to Oprah. You can watch it here.


Shaka Does NPR

Five minute long NPR interview with Shaka.


Shaka Senghor at Detroit BMe (Black Male Engagement) Awards

Picture of Shaka and some Knight Foundation officials at the Detroit Black Male Engagement Awards.

Shaka Senghor, Martha Minow, and Joi Ito, Cambridge, MA

Picture of Shaka with Martha Minow, Dean and Professor at Harvard Law School; and Joi Ito, Director of MIT's Media Lab and author of the Foreword to Writing My Wrongs.