Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

Quote #7

KIRK: We are assembled here today to pay final respects to our honored dead. And yet it should be noted that in the midst of our sorrow, this death takes place in the shadow of new life, the sunrise of a new world, a world that our beloved comrade gave his life to protect and nourish. He did not feel that sacrifice a vain or empty one... and we will not debate his profound wisdom at these proceedings.

This is where it really hits home—Spock's gone and he ain't coming back—but it also emphasizes that mortality really isn't the end. Spock's death brings new life. And the great circle continues, Simba.

Quote #8

DAVID: Lieutenant Saavik was right. You never have faced death.

KIRK: No, not like this. I haven't faced death. I've cheated death. I've tricked my way out of death... and patted myself on the back for my ingenuity. I know nothing.

A real moment of self-realization from Kirk here: the wisdom that Spock always knew but he denied, now right in his face and refusing to let go. It's a tough pill to swallow, but you can't be a hero if you don't grow or change.

Quote #9

KIRK: Captain's log, Stardate 8141.6. Starship Enterprise departing for Ceti Alpha Five to pick up the crew of the U.S.S. Reliant. All is well. And yet I can't help wondering about the friend I leave behind. "There are always possibilities," Spock said. And if Genesis is indeed life from death, I must return to this place again.

And with that earlier realization comes understanding and peace. Kirk can accept mortality and the loss of his friend, then move forward with a newfound appreciation of the galaxy he's saved time and time again.