Warfare Quotes in World War Z

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Ask anyone how the Allies won the Second World War. Those with very little knowledge might answer that it was our numbers or generalship. Those without any knowledge might point to techno-marvels like radar or the atom bomb. [Scowls.] Anyone with the most rudimentary understanding of that conflict will give you three real reasons: […]. (6.1.18)

Military aficionados love their technology (again, check out our "Shout-outs" section). In World War Z, the higher-up needed to relearn the basics and focus a little less on the big, flashy, extra bang of superior tech.

Quote #8

Did [the film] show the dark side of the heroes in The Hero City? Did it show the violence and the betrayal, the cruelty, the depravity, the bottomless evil in some of those "heroes" hearts? No, of course not. Why would it? That was our reality and it's what drove so many people to get snuggled in bed, blow out their candles, and take their last breath. (6.4.58)

World War Z shows a bit of the relationship between warfare and art. In this case, some art rose-tints the horrific nature of war. Here's the thing: World War Z is a piece of art, so its commentary on war and art is subject to the same criticism.

Quote #9

In war, in a conventional war that is, we spend so much time trying to dehumanize the enemy, to create an emotional distance. We would make up stories or derogatory titles… when I think about what my father used to call Muslims… and now in this war it seemed that everyone was trying desperately to find some shred of a connection to their enemy, to put a human face on something that was so unmistakably inhuman. (7.2.10)

By dehumanizing the enemy, traditional war propaganda tries to make the populace hate the enemy, sometimes for aspects the enemy has no control over like race. But things aren't so simple when your enemy is your people, only more dead.