Love Quotes in World War Z

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

All I did was what any of us are ever supposed to do. I chased my dream, and I got my slice. (3.3.29)

Like love of country, love of one's self probably shouldn't cross a certain line. How do you know when you've crossed said line? If, like Breckinridge "Breck" Scott you've ever claimed to save everyone from a zombie apocalypse but really only profited from it, chances are you crossed it.

Quote #5

He insists that Redeker's lifelong jihad against emotion was the only way to protect his sanity from the hatred and brutality he witnessed on a daily basis. (5.1.20)

Redeker seems to be void of all emotion and humanity and love. But maybe his plan showed the ultimate love, because he had to make the hardest decision to save millions by killing thousands (or save billions by killing millions; we're not really clear on the numbers here). It's, erm, tough love.

Quote #6

All I could think of was getting out of there, far enough away to maybe avoid the nuclear blast. I still feel guilty about those thoughts, caring only for myself in a moment like that. (5.5.17)

Survivor's guilt could be seen as a form of love—a love for your fellow man that turns to guilt when you feel you failed them by surviving.