Change Quotes in World War Z

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Well, as I understand it, there's a type of person who just can't deal with a fight-or-die situation. They're always drawn to what they're afraid of. Instead of resisting it, they want to please it, join it, try to be like it. I guess that happens in kidnap situations, you know, like a Patty Hearst/Stockholm Syndrome-type, or, like in regular war, when people who are invaded sign up for the enemy's army. (6.3.22)

Change meets the theme of "Primitivity" in this quote. Our hypothalamus has developed what's called a flight-or-fight response. If we come across something fearful (i.e. nasty change), we must decide whether to fight it or run away, including zombies and devilish bunnies.

Quote #8

These detainees would do the jobs Cubanos no longer wanted—day laborers, dish washers, and street cleaners—and while their wages would be next to nothing […]. (7.6.18)

The zombies don't just change how humans have to survive in the world. They change global economics and politics as well. Depending on where you live, this change can be either nasty or tasty.

Quote #9

The long, hard road back to humanity, or the regressive ennui of Earth's once-proud primates. That was the choice, and it had to be made now. (7.9.11)

The flight-or-fight response to change returns, but this time with a bigger scope: is humanity as a whole going to fight back, or is it just going to turn tail and flee?