Women Resources


Bogan Begins

If you're just starting to read her poetry, this is a great introduction to Louise Bogan and her work.

Modern American Louise

Read more about Bogan's work from a host of critics.



Bogan was decidedly pre-YouTube, but here's one of her videos illustrated. As a bonus, it features her reading the original poem.



What she might lack in a video presence, Bogan more than makes up for in audio recordings. Here she is reading our poem.

"The Mark"

Don't…miss Bogan reading this poem. (Get it? Miss? Mark? Hello? Is this thing on?)

"The Dragonfly"

Louise would like to talk to you about nature's helicopters.


Louise in Black and White

Here she is, looking a little perturbed.

Smoke Break

Don't smoke, kids, even if Louise did.

Louise Among the Palms

Louise looks a little suspicious of whoever took this photo.

Articles and Interviews

Pinksy on Bogan…on Women

Check out former Poet Laureate Robert Pinksy discussing "Women."


The Body of This Death

This is where "Women" first appeared.

The Blue Estuaries

Want more Bogan? Here is 45 years' worth of poems.