The Witches Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Very slowly, the young lady on the platform raised her hands to her face. I saw her gloved fingers unhooking something behind her ears, and then…then she caught hold of her cheeks and lifted her face clean away! The whole of the pretty face came away in her hands!
It was a mask! (7.4-5)

A mask is probably the most drastic form of disguise. Put on a hat and gloves, or get a new hairstyle, and everyone you know will probably still recognize you. Wear a mask, though, and you won't be recognized. Check out Quentin Blake's illustrations of this for some proof.

Quote #8

"You may rrree-moof your gloves!" […]

"You may rrree-moof your shoes!" […]

"You may rrree-moof your vigs!" (7.12, 14, 16)

This dramatic stripping of the witches' disguises is really neat. It shows us how aware the witches are of their deception. Each of these pieces – gloves, shoes, wigs – is carefully worn in order to hide something particular about their witchy bodies.

Quote #9

"Do you not know," she shouted at them, "that vee vitches are vurrrking only vith magic?" (8.38)

In a world where magic exists, is it a form of deception?