The Witches Hate Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Children are foul and filthy!" thundered The Grand High Witch.

"They are! They are!" chorused the English witches. "They are foul and filthy!"

"Children are dirty and stinky!" screamed The Grand High Witch.

"Dirty and stinky!" cried the audience, getting more and more worked up. (8.3-6)

Everything the Grand High Witch says is echoed by the rest of the witches. This very clearly shows the power of a charismatic leader to inspire hatred. The Grand High Witch comes from a long line of hateful leaders who created a following – can you think of any examples?

Quote #8


Here, the witches take it beyond just killing children. It is not enough to kill a child, they must rejoice in his or her death, too, and "shout hooray!" Recently, the world's most wanted man, Osama Bin Laden, was killed. Many people rejoiced in his death – saying that he killed thousands of people, so he deserved it – and others argued that it's never appropriate to celebrate death. What do you think?

Quote #9

I didn't care for him. (10.13)

Shmoop loves this line. Among all the explicitly stated hatred going on in the book, our narrator is so polite and understated when expressing his feelings about Bruno Jenkins. He just doesn't care for him. Period.