Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes in Wings

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Jamison nodded. "And he knows where you live. You must be on your guard. For your parents' sake as well as your own. I am appointing you as their protector. Only you know the secrets that can keep them alive." (23.83)

Oh Jamison, why you gotta be so mysterious while doling out wisdom? What secrets does Laurel know that will keep them alive? It sounds like he's talking about more than "you know that you're a faerie and that Avalon exists" knowledge, but he doesn't go into more detail on what he means. Knowledge is power in this world, and like Laurel, we're a little sick of being in the dark about all these important faerie secrets.

Quote #8

"Guard it carefully," he warned. "I don't know for certain that we have another Fall faerie strong enough to make an elixir like this. Not yet." (23.86)

Again with Jamison being wise yet a bit elusive. As one of the leaders of the faerie folk, he has to take into account what his people are capable of before giving away the products of their knowledge and work (like the elixir). It seems like the knowledge and magical skills required to make powerful elixirs are a big deal, and if Jamison is not sure whether they have the capability to make more of this potion, well, that just makes it an even bigger deal.

Quote #9

"How'd your mom take it?" she asked.

David laughed. "Pretty well, considering I lied through my teeth. I told her I left my phone in the car all night and we slept in your dad's room." (24.60-61)

Teenagers often feel that the less their parents know about their lives, the better. This is especially true for David, since he doesn't want his mom to worry about the fact that he was almost drowned by trolls the previous night or had to play chauffeur to a critically wounded faerie sentry. Stuff like that.