The Supernatural Quotes in Wings

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Back in the Dark Ages, people used to think anything bad that happened was caused by faeries," Chelsea continued, not seeming to notice that Laurel still hadn't said a word. "Of course, they also blamed anything good that happened on faeries too, so I guess it evens out… So why were you looking up faeries?" (11.116)

Chelsea, like most humans, seems to accept that faeries are magical beings. She went through a faerie phase so she's pretty knowledgeable about them—or at least, she thinks she is. We wonder what she'd think of real faerie magic if she ever encountered one. We're guessing that faeries in the Dark Ages had better things to do than pester humans with their magic.

Quote #5

"Something changed tonight, David. For a few hours I liked the flower. Really, really liked it. It felt special and magical." (12.118)

Laurel hasn't dealt with the revelation that she's not human very well, and on top of it, having to hide her blossom has been a huge pain in the butt. So when David helps her craft a costume that hides her blossom in plain sight, she gets to finally experience her flower as a positive, beautiful thing in her life. Magical, even.

Quote #6

"I can do magic?"

"Absolutely. You can do very powerful magic. You're a Fall faerie." (13.102-103)

Laurel is pretty amazed to hear that she can do magic. You would be, too, if you'd spent your whole life thinking you were just another human. While we don't get to see Laurel do much magic in this book, we're betting that in the sequels to Wings, she explores and develops her powers.