Man and the Natural World Quotes in Wings

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Trolls are—well, they're almost a glitch in evolution. They're animals, like you, David—primates, even. But they're not quite human. Stronger than humans, as you discovered—able to heal faster, too. It's like evolution tried to make a superhuman of sorts, but it got a little messed up." (21.12)

Thanks, Tamani, for this explanation of where trolls fit into the natural order (other than under the category of "Really freakin' ugly"). We wonder, though, why faeries have the concept of evolution… Did they borrow it from the humans? Did they come up with it first, and the idea got leaked to humans at some point?

Since faeries are so close to nature, it could be that they've spent enough time observing it to have a sense of how these things work, and Tamani is just using the human word for the same thing to make it easier to talk to David and Laurel about it. It's a good reminder that we are all part of nature, no matter which words or concepts we use to discuss it.