Duty Quotes in Wings

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I'm getting my driver's license in a few weeks and Mom's decided I need to work enough to pay for gas and insurance. She got me a job at the drugstore and I have to start today." (7.85)

As much as it sucks for David to have to get a part-time job to help pay for his car-related stuff, his mom probably views it as teaching him about responsibility. You know, because with great power comes great responsibility. Or something.

Quote #5

"I prefer to think of you as a scion […] a plant that's taken from one plant and grafted into another. You were taken from our world and put in the human world. A scion." (14.124-126)

When Laurel asks Tamani if she's a changeling, his reply is basically sort of, but not quite: she's more of a scion. She's meant to be a bridge between the faerie world and the human world. That's a pretty big responsibility if you ask us.

Quote #6

"Can you fend for yourself for dinner tonight?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Your dad's just getting worse. His stomach hurts and is a little swollen, and now he's got a fever." (16.76-78)

In this conversation between Laurel and her mom, her mom's making it clear that she feels like she has a responsibility to try to heal Laurel's dad from his mysterious illness. Having a duty to help her husband doesn't suddenly make her not a mom, though—she still feels the need to check in with Laurel and make sure she'll be okay spending the evening on her own.