Where the Red Fern Grows Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I knew my mother and father were poor and didn't have any money. I began to feel sorry for them and myself. (2.25)

This is one of the only times that Billy feels the effects of poverty. Yeah, he feels bummed for a minute—but instead of letting it get him down, he just goes out and earns his own money. Sure makes us think twice about asking for a raise for our allowances.

Quote #5

"I'll ask him," I said, "but you know how Papa is. The farm comes first with him." (14.64)

The way Billy says this, it's almost like he doesn't get why Papa cares so much about the farm. Um, try "feeding his family," Billy. You'll understand some day.

Quote #6

I thought of my dogs. They were tied with small cotton ropes, and had collars made from old check-line leather. (15.66)

We don't often see Billy's faith in his dogs shaken, but he gets a little shaken when he sees all these sleek-looking, rich dogs. But not for long. Remember, his dogs are completely awesome.