West Side Story Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from West Side Story.

Quote #1

ANITA: Back home little boys don't have war councils.

BERNARDO: Ah, but they do here. You want me to be an American, don't you?

There's a lot of tension among the Sharks about their identity. Are they Puerto Ricans or Americans? Historically, Puerto Ricans were considered American citizens starting in 1917, but immigrants like Bernardo weren't treated that way. They felt like second-class citizens.

Quote #2

ANITA: Skyscrapers bloom in America

ROSALIA: Cadillacs zoom in America

CHORUS GIRL: Industry boom in America

BOYS: Twelve in a room in America!

Yes, there are great things in America, but as members of a minority, the Sharks don't see any of it. They're definitely not in on the American Dream.

Quote #3

JETS: The Jets are in gear,
Our cylinders are clickin'!
The Sharks'll steer clear
'Cause every Puerto Rican's
A lousy chicken!

That's one of the milder racial insults in the film. The epithets fly: Spic, Mick, Wop, Polack—you name it.