West Side Story Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from West Side Story.

Quote #1

TONY AND MARIA: Today, the world was just an address A place for me to live in, no better than all right. But here you are And what was just a world is a star!

These two sing about the sun and stars a lot when professing their love. It's a beautiful image: stars that shine forever, wishing on a star, all that super romantic stuff. But it's also a great way to reference Romeo and Juliet, whom Shakespeare called "star-cross'd lovers," stars in this case being what decided people's fates. Romeo promised to "defy thee stars!" and Juliet at her balcony is actively compared to the sun. If you're going for an adaptation, adapt the best.

Quote #2

MARIA: I feel pretty, oh so pretty! I feel pretty, and witty, and gay!

Here's Maria, beaming from ear to ear and so fantastically happy she's in love that her feet practically leave the floor. If you remember your first crush, you know that buzzy feeling: you're walking around in a daze and the the whole world is just wonderful and your friends are looking at you like you're nuts.

Quote #3

TONY: Tonight, tonight
Won't be just any night
Tonight there will be no morning star.
Tonight, tonight
I'll see my love tonight,
And for us, stars will stop
Where they are.

Tony's talking about halting time and making the night last forever. It's another great description of infatuation—the world falls away and it's just you and your sweetie.