The Wealth of Nations Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The practice of military exercises is only the occasional occupation of the soldiers of a militia, and they derive the principal and ordinary fund of their subsistence from some other occupation. (5.1.19)

In some countries, it's a militia instead of an army that does most of the actual fighting in wars. But militias are much more disorganized than armies. Most of the people who fight in militias have day jobs. The militia is more of a part-time gig.

Quote #8

They all go to war together, therefore, and every one does as well as he can. (5.1.3)

Smith mentions that in some societies, everyone goes off to war at the same time. This is usually the case with nomads, who travel together anyway. So everyone just grabs a weapon and fights as well as they can.

Quote #9

Among the Tartars, even the women have been frequently known to engage in battle. (5.1.3)

Smith is amazed by the idea that in some societies, women have joined men as warriors. This just goes to show how different some cultures can be from one another. The folks from these other cultures would probably look at an English army and think, "Where are all the women? They're only using fifty percent of their people."