The Wealth of Nations Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

By such maxims as these, however, nations have been taught that their interest consisted in beggaring all their neighbours. (4.3.6)

The dominant thinking of Smith's time said that countries could only get richer if other ones got poorer. But for Smith this kind of thinking has been clouded by pride. The truth is that it's possible for everyone to get richer at the same time.

Quote #5

In consequence of the representations of Columbus, the council of Castile determined to take possession of countries of which the inhabitants were plainly incapable of defending themselves. (4.7.6).

People who have a lot of pride tend to do whatever they want no matter how much their actions hurt other people. And that's exactly what the Spanish did when they colonized America, at least in Adam Smith's mind.

Quote #6

To the expectation of finding gold and silver mines, those first settlers too joined that of discovering a north-west passage to the East Indies. They have hitherto been disappointed in both. (4.7.10)

Smith has very little patience for the people who first travelled to America and killed all the native peoples to steal the land. He actually takes pleasure in the fact that these people have been disappointed in some of their larger schemes. To him, there is no sin greater than pride.