Violence Quotes in We Need to Talk About Kevin

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"There's a consensus—that violence is no way to get your point across. […] I don't want you to do that again, Eva. Ever." So: I slap Kevin. You slap me. I got the picture. (12.80-12.81)

Franklin's opinion on corporal punishment brings up an interesting dilemma. If Franklin had been the one to slap Kevin, instead of Eva, how would things have been different, if at all?

Quote #5

Kevin had discovered the secret: not merely that it wasn't real, but that it wasn't him. (14.21)

Eva is talking about Kevin's response to TV violence here. What's alarming isn't that he's desensitized to it. He seems to have sprung from the womb desensitized to life. What is alarming is Kevin's lack of empathy. This is what allows him to see violence and not be moved by it—and to eventually commit violence himself.

Quote #6

Incredibly, this nyeh-nyeh minced from you, after which you shot me between the eyes. (14.38)

In retrospect, Kevin's behavior with the squirt gun is alarming. He will grow up to shoot people between the eyes not with water, but with arrows. To draw a correlation between a squirt gun and a bow and arrow is pointless, of course, but this quote is also alarming because Franklin joins Kevin in his own way of bullying Eva.