Identity Quotes in We Need to Talk About Kevin

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Mother of the ignoble Kevin Khatchadourian is how I am now, an identity that amounts to one more of our son's little victories. (15.50)

Eva never wanted to be identified as a mother. She thought she would simply be "Eva, that woman with a kid," we guess. But after Kevin's crime, Eva is reduced simply to "Kevin's mother." We imagine many people don't even know her name.

Quote #8

Do you ever consider how disappointed he must have been when you accepted the decoy as the real thing? (19.38)

If there is ever any time to sympathize with Kevin, this is it. Kevin fakes an entire personality for his father, and his father simply accepts it. If Kevin had revealed his true nature (assuming he ever figured out his own true nature), how would Franklin have reacted?

Quote #9

He was searching. He was looking for something in my face. He looked for it very carefully and very hard and then he leaned back a little in his seat. Whatever he'd been searching for, he hadn't found it, and this, too, seemed to satisfy him in some way. (27.128)

What is Kevin searching for her? Does he see himself in his mother in some way? Does he see her seeing herselfin him? Can you follow any of this?