Guilt and Blame Quotes in We Need to Talk About Kevin

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Why, after all I have borne, am I held accountable for ordering their chaos? (15.37)

As time goes on, Eva feels the weight of all the blame that has been heaped upon her, and we see a new side of blame. One reason people blame someone else is so that they can then expect that person to fix the situation—even if it's unfixable.

Quote #8

"I need to know. Do you blame me?"

[…] "Why should you get all the credit?" (15.67-15.68)

Kevin resents the fact that Eva should get any blame, but not in a selfless way. Kevin wants all the blame for his crime. He considers it his "credit" for doing the deed.

Quote #9

I had to admit that Kevin hadn't personally wiped out my company's files, and the debacle was my fault. (24.139)

This seems fairly logical. Perhaps this scene is included to show us that Eva is capable of taking the blame for something that is clearly her fault. However, there is nothing clear about the issue with Kevin.