Family Quotes in We Need to Talk About Kevin

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I was mortified by the prospect of becoming hopeless trapped in someone else's story. (3.40)

Is Eva too selfish to start a family? Does a person need an element of selflessness to be parent? It can be hard to find a balance between living a life for yourself and for your child. How does Eva try to balance this out? Does she try?

Quote #5

I would let parenthood influence our behavior; you would have parenthood dictate our behavior. If that seems a subtle distinction, it is night and day. (5.33)

This quote is similar to the previous one, regarding Eva's apparent selfishness. What is the difference between these points Eva makes? Do you agree with her thought process here?

Quote #6

"I couldn't have expected that simply forming an attachment to you […] would be so much work." (6.10)

Many people believe that a mother loves her child instantly. But Eva seems to be an exception. Right off the bat, that makes forming a loving family unit an uphill climb for her.