The Wave Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

David sat waiting in the passenger seat of Brian's van. They were parked near the all-night tennis courts because David knew that when Laurie came home from school after dark she always took this route, where the bright lights from the courts made her feel safer. (15.28)

David and Brian are stalking Laurie and they obviously plan on threatening her. By the way, both of those actions are illegal (not to mention, terribly uncool).

Quote #8

"Just as long as she understands," Brian said. "We're not playing around anymore." (15.37)


Quote #9

There he'd been, denying The Wave could hurt anyone, and at the same time he'd hurt Laurie, his own girlfriend, in the name of The Wave. (15.63)

David is shocked by his own violence, and we at Shmoop wish that the novel explored these feelings a bit more. Since Todd Strasser didn't do it, why don't you? Go ahead, and let us know what you come up with.