The Wave David Collins Quotes

"I don't know, Laurie. I don't know if I want to go back. I feel like… like The Wave got me once and if I go back it might get me again." (16.60)

Poor David! When he realizes that he took on a new, not-so-nice identity as Wave member, he's totally ashamed. In fact, he doesn't even trust himself anymore. The novel suggests that the best way to guard against such feelings is to develop a strong sense of personal identity, like Laurie has.

"Come on Laurie, the only reason you're against The Wave is because it means you're not a princess anymore." (14.10)

In this moment, Laurie realizes that even her boyfriend feels like he's competing with her. Is this Laurie's fault? The fault of the competitive atmosphere at school? The fault of David and Amy's insecurities? Or some combination?