The Wave Competition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Because it means that nobody is better than anyone else for once," Amy said. "Because ever since we became friends all I've done is try to compete with you and keep up with you. […] For the first time in three years I feel like I don't have to keep up with Laurie Saunders and people will still like me." (14.8)

In this moment, Laurie's suspicions about Amy's true feelings are confirmed. Without getting to know Amy better than we do in the novel, it's difficult to analyze why a beautiful, smart girl like Amy is so insecure. What are your thoughts?

Quote #8

"Come on Laurie, the only reason you're against The Wave is because it means you're not a princess anymore." (14.10)

In this moment, Laurie realizes that even her boyfriend feels like he's competing with her. Is this Laurie's fault? The fault of the competitive atmosphere at school? The fault of David and Amy's insecurities? Or some combination?