The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963 Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I never played with LJ again after that. So playing with Rufus got to be O.K. It was a lot better not to have to worry about getting stuff stolen when you were with your friends, and it was a lot better not spending half the time arguing about who's going to be the Nazi dinosaurs. (3.94)

Kenny is describing what sounds like a pretty good friendship here, but he doesn't seem to really appreciate it. It sounds as if he didn't really want to play with Rufus, but now that they are playing, it's "okay." This kid doesn't know how good he has it.

Quote #5

Maybe it was because everybody else was laughing, [...] maybe it was because I was glad that Larry hadn't jumped on me, but whatever the reasons was I cracked up too. Rufus shot a look at me. His face never changed but I knew right away I'd done something wrong. (3.100)

Can you sympathize with Kenny here at all? Have you ever laughed at someone when you shouldn't have (even behind their back), or do you always stand up for your friends? Come on, be honest—we won't tell.

Quote #6

"I thought you was my friend. I didn't think you was like all them other people," he said. "I thought you was different." (3.110)

Did you think Kenny was different, too? What about the way he ignored Rufus on his first day of school? When does Kenny really start being "different?" When does he become a true friend to Rufus?