The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963 Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The only kid that acted like he was having any fun was Byron. He walked the whole way with Mr. Robert and Dad and laughed and joked with them about every stupid story they told. (12.53)

Byron isn't usually this pleasant to be around, but something seems to be changing about him ever since they arrived in Birmingham. Being able to talk with adults without mouthing off seems like a sign that Byron is starting to mature a little bit, don't you think?

Quote #8

Momma started trying to force me to do more things with Rufus but it seemed like he'd changed while we were gone and wasn't as much fun to be with. Him and Cody got real happy when I gave them my pillowcaseful of dinosaurs. I was getting too mature to play with toys anymore. (15.23)

Why do you think Kenny feels like Rufus has changed while they were gone? Is it possible that Kenny's actually the one who changed?

Quote #9

I had to think of a way to get at least half of my dinosaurs back from Rufus. (15.109)

Believe it or not, this is a grown-up decision for Kenny, too. He's not losing his maturity by going back to his toys; instead, he's making the very mature decision to keep enjoying the things he likes, even though he knows now that terrible things can happen.