Passivity Quotes in Warm Bodies

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"We don't... think... new things." (1.7.33)

This probably sounds really appealing to a lot of people. Thinking is pretty hard, after all. However, as we learned from the previous quote, the people who don't think new things in life are the ones who crumble the fasted. Learning keeps us thriving.

Quote #5

"[Perry] was this brilliant, fiery kid, so weird and funny and full of dreams, and then... just quit all his plans. [...] Everything that made him who he was just started rotting." (1.7.56)

Julie's word choice of "rotting" is key here. It's almost like Perry became a zombie before he died. We have a feeling that if he did become a zombie, he would be one of the extra crumbly ones. Instant Boney.

Quote #6

"Since the big picture is gone and the people who drew it are all dead, what are we supposed to do now? No one knows, so we do nothing." (1.8.52)

It seems that the Living don't know how to do anything without guidance, so they're just going along with the flow. Does no one know how to think for themselves?